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Minutes 4-10-12
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                Meeting Minutes

Date:           April 10, 2012

Present:        Fred Beaulieu, Chairperson
                Ralph Martone, Associate
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary
                Don Beal Scribe
                Sarto Caron, Associate

7:00 PM The minutes for March 27 were read and accepted.

7:30 PM Special Permit Request
                Carlo DiLizia and Gina Bellucci-DiLizia
                25 Candlewood Drive   R29-F-14   Book 9485   Page 418

                The petitioners want to raise the house a maximum of five feet, add a new               entryway, and add an eight foot lakeside deck.

                A site visitation was scheduled for April 12, at 6:30 PM.
                A continuance was scheduled for April 24, at 8:00 PM.

8:00 PM Robert Phelps
                Unscheduled appointment.

                Mr. Phelps explained a minor construction error caused by a contractor.
                The Board consulted with Jack Keough and accepted the minor error as                    unintentional and not detracting from the permit intent. The Board signed                       off on the original plans indicating acknowledgment of the error.

8:30 PM The meeting was adjourned.

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

                Submitted by:

                Ronald Seaburg, Secretary